Github webhook

Now we need to configure GitHub to send webhooks from our Godot fork.

  1. Log in to your GitHub account.

  2. Visit the Godot fork repository page.

  3. Click the “Settings” tab.

    github settings
  4. CLick Webhooks

    github webhook settings tab
  5. CLick “Add Webhook”

    github add_webhook
  6. From the receiving page in w4builds, copy the url

    build copy url
  7. Paste the URL from the webhook.

  8. Select “application/json” for the content type.

  9. Paste the secret we created previously.

    webhook form
  10. Click save


If all the steps were completed correctly, GitHub will send a “ping” message. You can verify this in the “Recent Deliveries” tab.

No jobs in W4 Builds should have been triggered, as the ping message does not affect any branch.

Great job so far!

webhook validate